
Hello, and welcome to my web page at the University of Notre Dame. I live in Granger, IN, and am married with three sons, one a grad student in computer science at Wisconsin, one a math/physics major at Purdue and one in high school. 

Outside of my research and teaching at Notre Dame, which you can read about on the other pages, I cycle through my many hobbies, never devoting enough time to any of them.

Gary Bernstein clarinet

  • Classical clarinet: At one time I was a serious clarinetist, but now I play only occasionally, and when I can, I upload a video to my Youtube channel at garyhb57.


  • I collect and sometimes repair vintage watches. It's difficult to find someone these days who can repair a watch unless it is a very high-end piece and worth the effort.


Gary Bernstein RV

  • I spend a few weekends each summer at local state parks with my family in my 1990 Pace Arrow motorhome. Somehow it still works well enough.


  • I enjoy listening to quality stereo music, particularly vinyl LPs. I collect what I can find at flea markets, etc.


  • I enjoy Scrabble and Boggle and welcome all comers.


Gary Bernstein dog Duke

  • I walk my dog, Duke.




Interview on blending music with engineering education


Videos that I have found interesting

How Electronic / Vacuum Tubes Work (1943)